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Access Control by Using RFID System

RFID is Radio-Frequency Identification, is basically a small electronic device. RFID system include a small chip and an antenna. The chip used in RFID system can easily store 2,000 bytes of data. Radio-Frequency Identification system uses radio waves to scan and capture data stored on a tag connected to an object.  The attached tag can be scanned from several feet away. It’s range changes based on factors including tag, type of reader, frequency and interference. RFID is a kind of wireless transmission that integrate the use of electromagnetic coupling in the electromagnetic spectrum to specifically identify an object. A list of factors should be taken into consideration when selecting an RFID tagging system like – tag operating frequency, memory capacity and tag range.

RFID reader is a network connected device that can be attached permanently or can be portable. RFID uses radio frequency waves to transfer signals that activate the tag. Once the tag is activated, it sends a wave back to antenna and then it is converted into data. RFID can recognize individual objects and many items simultaneously, anywhere from inches to feet away depending on the type of tag and RFID reader. Generally the read time for RFID tags is less than 100 milliseconds. RFID tag data is stored in simple form and can be read by anyone with a compatible reader. It basically works in same way as a bar code in order to provide unique identification to each object. RFID tags comes in different designs, sizes and are either active or passive. Passive tags are generally used more as compared to active tags, as they are smaller in size and less costly to install.


How RFID works?

RFID includes identification and data capturing. It automatically recognize the objects in order to collect associated information. RFID easily identifies the object and enter the data directly into computer systems with less or no human interference.


RFID consists of three main components:

  • RFID Tag – consists of an integrated circuit used to transmit data to RFID reader
  • RFID Reader – converts the radio waves to more usable form of data
  • Antenna – transfers collected information to host computer, where the information can be saved in database.

RFID Applications: RFID technology is deployed in most of the industries to perform tasks like-

  • Inventory management / Asset tracking
  • Personnel tracking
  • Controlling access to restricted areas / ID badging
  • Access Control / Attendee Tracking
  • Increasing efficiency / Reducing errors
  • Improving quality / Accessing to parking lots

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