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Author: Cassparking

  • Parking Management System to Manage Traffic

    Parking Management System to Manage Traffic

    Around 8% to 10% of traffic is caused because of inappropriate parking. This even leads to heavy traffic jam. To avoid such situations it is better to opt for a smart parking management system. It can be improved drastically by installing advanced equipment. Vehicles have been increasing day by day on roads and if proper…

  • Reduce Parking Challenges with Parking Management

    Reduce Parking Challenges with Parking Management

    Parking management has been considered as an essential affair both for public authorities and for the private workers running those parking facilities. Parking management basically introduces different policies and strategies that result in more efficient utilization of parking facilities and parking resources. It is one of the most important component of transportation system as it…

  • Parking Guidance to Supervise Vehicles

    Parking Guidance to Supervise Vehicles

    Parking guidance is designed to supervise the vehicles on the availability of individual parking spaces in the parking facility.

  • Parking Management in UAE, Qatar and India

    Parking Management in UAE, Qatar and India

    Insufficiency of convenient parking arrangements originate several hassle for approximately every driver. Parking management will constantly perform an important role to strengthen the metropolitan domain. It signifies the strategies and solutions that ensure systematic utilization of parking resources. Significantly implemented parking system offer various financial, social and environmental benefits. Several parking establishment possessor execute parking…

  • LPN System for Vehicle Recognition

    LPN System for Vehicle Recognition

    LPN System is generally used to read and recognize the number plate or a license plate of a vehicle for official recognition purpose.

  • Parking Management with RFID System

    Parking Management with RFID System

    RFID stands for radio-frequency identification. It is a type of wireless communication that utilizes the behaviour of electromagnetic coupling along with the radio waves of the electromagnetic spectrum.

  • Boom Barrier Manufacturer

    Boom Barrier Manufacturer

    These days we have a multiple number of control systems for security purpose but boom barriers are considered as the simplest and appropriate solution to control parking access.