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Parking Equipment for Your Parking Needs

Companies that deals in manufacturing of parking equipment’s have extensive experience and knowledge in handling, organizing and developing all types of parking requirements. Parking equipment’s integrate the best and recent technologies to improve marketability of residential buildings with their unique services, applications and features. By understanding of the present market needs, Parking equipment’s are made with the highest standards of technologies to meet all the requirements of parking services.


Parking Equipment’s consists Boom Barrier, Car Space Protectors, Entry Machines, Exit Machines, Long range RFID System, Parking Counting System, Ticketless Parking System :


Boom Barrier: Boom Barrier is also known as a boom gate that allow and block the vehicle. Boom barriers’ are either both automated and manually operated. An Automatic boom barrier can be operated through a Push Button, Remote Control, RFID Tags / RFID Reader, Loop Detectors and any third party access control device


Car Space Protectors: Car parking space protector is a designed for places where protection and access are both required. These protectors are independently operated and controlled by using a remote. Care space protectors are generally used to restrict unauthorized access to your parking spaces. Most of the car park space protectors are battery powered and designed with a stronger waterproof protection.


Long range RFID System: RFID uses electromagnetic fields to recognize and track tags attached to vehicles. The tags consists of electronically saved data. There are two types of tags – Passive Tags (Passive tags saves energy from a nearby RFID reader’s) and Active Tags (Active tags have a power source like battery.)


Parking Counting System: Parking counting system is becoming a usual need for car parks regardless of the size of vehicle. It is one of the great advantage for the visitors to be well informed with the number of available spaces before entering a parking area. Counting system will provide complete on-screen information about the number of available spaces. Benefits Of Parking Counting System: Reduces congestion both within the parking areas and the surrounding areas / Allows better control of resources by reducing running costs, Improves the customer experience by less queuing / Reduces effect on the environment


Ticketless Parking System: Ticketless parking system uses number plate recognition technology to replace paper tickets and help you get in and out of the parking space faster. When car enters the car park, this system takes picture of your number plate & then automatically recognize number plate at the exit gate. Your number plate is scanned when you enter the parking area. If you have registered then you drive straight out. Otherwise make sure you pay any parking fees at a pay station.Your number plate will be recognized at the exit gate and the boom gate will open automatically. CASS Parking attempt to establish the best and unique solutions for our clients.

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